At the end of April 2012, I found an abandoned cat who gave birth to kittens in my backyard. My neighbor began putting food out for her in May and noticed it looked like she may pregnant or have babies already— we searched but never found any kittens at that time. At the end of June, kittens suddenly appeared on my patio, which turned into a plan to trap the mother and her kittens and take them to a shelter, or find homes for them.
Everything changed when I brought them all into my home on June 28th. I discovered that while the kittens were wild, the momma was 100% domestic, easy to pick up, used the litter box, and the scratching post. I couldn’t believe how THIN she was. Her tail was a pencil; her backbone and hips jutted out, her hair-coat was dull, and she had oozing bleeding sores on her neck and face.
I decided to name her Joyce. She is truly a beautiful cat. And her temperament is outstanding. She’s been such a good mother, too. From day one, she has showered me with affection, purring and rubbing on me, and communicating to me on a deeper level. This has been one of the most unexpectedly profound experiences of my life. I have never felt such overwhelming gratitude from an animal before. She is truly joyous to be in our home.
It became clear that she has a permanent home with me.
“It is amazing what 18 days of Dynamite has done for her health. She eats free choice Dynamite Premium Feline Cat Food, plus both raw and canned food with Purrformance, Catazymes, and Dyna Pro. I also used Wound Balm on her ear mites, and Wound Wash on her sores in the early days. Now that she is stronger, we’re going to do a round of Herbal Tonic. The vet said she weighed 5 pounds on June 29 – she has gained at least a pound or more since then! Her hair feels soft and completely different now, and her future is looking very bright. The vet estimated her age at about 2 1/2 to 3 years old. And her 4 very healthy kittens? One found a very good home with some people I know. The other 3 found the best home they could ever possibly have – with me and Joyce! Joining my other 2 older cats, it is now one very large Dynamite cat family here.”
—Yvonne W. Distributor, Arizona
If you have a Dynamite Story you’d like to share with us, please send it to us here.
*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.