“When my pug Samson found himself in a horrible encounter with a large and very strong boxer, the owners and I were at a loss of what to do. The dog’s owner knew enough to throw a large cup of cold water on the dogs which immediately broke the jaw’s grip on Samson’s head. After my daughter grabbed a towel and wrapped Samson in it, I told my son-in-law to open the medicine cabinet and get out everything that had a Dynamite label on it. I started with Trace Mineral Concentrate, which I knew would help stop the bleeding. Being fairly new to Dynamite, I doused the wound with every other Dynamite product I had, including Solace™, Wound Salve, Release™, and then gave Samson Tranquil™.
Without a doubt, intervention from a pug-loving angel and Dynamite’s products are what facilitated Samson’s miraculous recovery. I also attribute Samson’s recovery from his diet of Super Premium Food and TNT. His body knew what to do, despite his human assistants who were at a bit of a loss.
I love this company. The values, the principles and the passion had me at Day 1 through Day 121. Now, first-hand experience has made me, yet again, another raving, loyal fan of this great company”– Cindy Ponder, Previous Dynamite Employee
If you have a Dynamite Story you’d like to share with us, please send it to us here.
*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.