Equine Feeding Basics – Avoiding Common Mistakes Part 3 of 3

Boo-Boo #3 Detrimental Water Sources By Judy Sinner, Dynamite Gold Director Water is a huge part of your horse’s nutrient profile. Weighing about nine pounds per gallon, it actually makes up the bulk of the “ration”. Consider that most horses will drink an average of 10 gallons per day, which equates to nearly 90 pounds…

Elixir – A Supplement From the Soil

What is Elixir? Elixir belongs in a class of substances called “humic acids”. They come from the breakdown of ancient organic soil materials through microbial metabolism of decomposing plants. The decomposition process results in the multiplication of millions of beneficial healthy-promoting bacteria, along with a vast array of naturally-occurring minerals. Many studies have been done…